We’re so glad to have you join us for worship!
We meet every Sunday at 10 am at 6199 Chebucto Rd.

When you arrive, follow the signs to the Hall on the second floor where worship takes place. You’ll be welcomed by our greeters who will give you a worship guide and answer any questions you may have. Once the service begins, the worship guide will explain and help you keep track of where we are in the order of worship (called a liturgy). The worship leader will also explain why we’re doing what we’re doing throughout the service.
Christ Church Halifax follows a particular liturgy every week, for two main reasons: First, because it keeps us focused on the good news of Jesus. During worship, the liturgy moves us through the four movements of the gospel: God Calls us to worship him, God Cleanses us of sin in Christ, God Communes with us in his Word and the Lord’s Supper, and God Sends us back into the world to love and serve our neighbours.
Secondly, the weekly repetition of our liturgy forms and reforms us, mind and body, training us to love and live rightly.
Here's a recording of one of our worship services to give you an idea of what happens on a Sunday. You can follow along with the worship guide below.

Children of all ages are most welcome to remain for the entirety of worship — children are an important part of God’s family, so we value their participation throughout worship!
If needed, there is a unstaffed nursery for young children located just outside the main hall and a quiet activity area at the back of the hall for older children learning to remain in the service.
We take questions about faith and life seriously! If there was something you didn’t understand during the service or would like to dig into deeper, or if you’ve got a random question about the Christian faith, you’re heartily welcome to talk with the pastor immediately after the service to ask any questions.

We meet Sundays at 10 am at 6199 Chebucto Rd.
Plentiful parking
Bus routes that bring you close by: Routes 4, 7, 8, 9
The space is wheelchair accessible